SRJC Administrative Services Web Proposal

SRJC Administrative Services
Web Proposal

Christine Nora
SRJC Administrative Services

Project Team:
Shelly Falconer
Carol Ho
Daryl Kulleseid
Steve Nelson
October 10, 2003

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Strategic Brief

Overview of Project
Project Objectives
Tone and message of site
Description of the intended audience (also referred to as the target market)
List of goals for judging the success of the project


Administrative Services oversees several college departments and activities including: Computing Services, Facilities Operations, Environmental Health & Safety and Institutional Research. This department works closely with faculty and administrative staff in the planning and development of new structures, as well as, oversees rehabilitation projects as space reconfigurations. Working closely with Student Services and Academic Affairs, Administrative Services coordinates the college's grant activities and assists in acquisition of special project funding. The Administrative Services' Vice President serves on several key college committees including, the President's staff, Board Facilities Committee (BFC), College Council, District Facilities Planning Committee (DFPC) and the Institutional Planning Council (IPC). All of this information should be easy to find and well organized on the Administrative Services website.

Project Objectives

Our project objective is to give the SRJC Administrative Services an organized, professional and academic web presence. The scope of the project was determined by responses to our Website Planning Questionnaire, and meetings held with the client and team members. Our task is to redesign and organize the layout so that their visitors find their updated site informative and visually appealing. Most of the content is already online and we’ve received all of the updated content that is available at this time. The final site will have 29 pages plus links to the other sites within the department.

The main challenge is producing a site with a lot of photos that download quickly. Another challenge is providing a design and templates that will allow the client to update the photos to reflect current projects and progress throughout the development stages. An important objective of the website is to provide information to the college faculty community, informing them of their services, goals, meeting schedules and contact information.

Site Tone and Message

Our client wishes to have a professional, academic feel with a polished look. Clean lines with little drama. The sites’ motto is that of the school’s, "To Be the Best to the Community We Serve by Increasing Knowledge Improving Skills Enhancing Lives"

Target Audience

Administrative Services’ primary target audience is members of the various school boards, school departments and other college employees. Their secondary audiences are Universities.

Goals for judging the success

1 Provide updates on current projects with an updatable picture gallery
2 Redesign the building history page to make it tighter and provide pictures of each one
3 Create an academic, professional well-organized site
4 Provide up-to-date information to the committee members
5 Provide information to other colleges

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The final website will consist of the following pages:
Home page
Second-level pages (7)
Third-level pages (20)

Graphic Design

Create a home page with a photo collage representing the Petaluma, Santa Rosa and Windsor campus, the SRJC Logo including CWIS, and graphic links to the rest of the site.

Create second level pages including photos of students and/or buildings with graphic links to the rest of the site.

Design (7) navigation buttons (gif images) for the rollover links that will be displayed on the top horizontal, below the school logo and above the page title:
General Information
Groups & Committees
Current Projects
Campus Buildings

Design (5) navigation buttons (gif images) for the rollover links that will be displayed on the left vertical:
Computing Services
Facility Operations
Environmental Health & Safety
Institutional Research

Create templates for the following pages:
1 Home page
1 First-level page
1 Second-level page

Splash Page - if time permits a splash page will be created for the site. The designer may not have time to complete this portion of the project. A final decision about the splash page will be made by November 21, 2003.

Create thumbnail images for the gallery table, which will be located on the 'Current Projects' page. Document how to create a thumbnail for future updates.

Content Development

Code will be developed and delivered in Dreamweaver.

All HTML tags in coding will be entered in all lowercase letters.

There will be text links located at the bottom of each page in accordance with CWIS guidelines, reflecting all the navigation buttons. These links will represent Home, Computing Services, Facility Operations, Environmental Health & Safety, Institutional Research, General Information, Groups & Committees, Grants, Current Projects, Staff, Campus Buildings, and Goals.

All file names will be created in lowercase and be descriptive of what they are.

All file names will have no spaces instead an underscore will be used in place of spaces.

Alt tags will be created for and used on every image.

Comments will be included in the code to aid in future updating.

Federal Web Code Section 508C will be followed to include all necessary accessibility features.

Page titles will be included on every page.

Create a gallery table for the Current Projects page with a cell for a thumbnail and a cell for the caption with a brief explanation of the project.

Convert first level templates into pages:
General Information, Groups & Committees, Grants, Current Projects, Staff, Campus Buildings, and Goals

Convert second level templates into pages:

Convert second level templates into pages that branch off the IPC page: Mission/Vision Statement, Meeting Schedule, Component Goals (6) and Final Management Reports (5)

Website Delivery

Provide training

Upload and download the website pages using SSH.

Add images to, or remove images from the projects photo gallery.

Produce a CD that contains the following website elements:

All web pages

Web page templates

Website images

Original Photoshop documents

Client manual

A printed version of the client manual will also be provided with the CD.

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Picture of our Storyboard

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Production Standards

SRJC Administrative Services Website Production Standards A guide for clarity and consistency in the team's production of the site.


  • The code for the site will be created in Dreamweaver.

  • All HTML tags in the coding will be entered in all lower case letters.

  • All file names will be in lowercase and be descriptive of what they are.

  • All file name will use the underscore when needed in place of spaces between words. (i.e.: apply_button.gif = "apply button" and general_info.html = "general info.")

  • Alt tags will be used on every image.

  • Comments will be included in the coding, when needed, to help in future updating of the site.

  • Federal Web Code Section 508C will be followed to include all necessary accessibility features.

  • Required Elements for Department Pages will be present.

Picture of folder structure

File Names Page Title
Root Folder (adminserv) Main Site
index.html Administrative Services

general_info.html General Information
groups_committees.html Groups & Committees
grants.html Grants Coordination
current_projects.html Current Projects
staff.html Staff
campus_buildings.html Campus Buildings
goals.html Component Goals

dfpc.html District Facilities Planning Committee
bfc.html Board Facilities Committee
ipc.html Institutional Planning Council
frg.html Facilities Review Group
irag.html Institutional Research Advisory Group

mission_statement.html Mission / Vision Statement
ipc_meeting_schedule.html Meeting Schedule
component_goals.html Goals
final_reports.html Final Management Reports

Goals Folder (goals) Component Goals
goals_acad_affairs.html Academic Affairs Goals
goals_admin_services.html Administrative Services Goals
goals_bus_services.html Business Services Goals
goals_petaluma.html Petaluma Campus Goals
goals_student_serv.html Student Services Goals
goals_cr_component.html Cross Component Goals

Goals Folder (goals) Final Management Reports
report_acad_affairs.html Academic Affairs Final Management Report
report_admin_services.html Administrative Services Final Management Report
report_bus_services.html Business Services Final Management Report
report_petaluma.html Petaluma Campus Final Management Report
report_student_serv.html Student Services Final Management Report

Site storyboard map layout
  • All folders will be named in lower case with no spaces
  • The folders will be organized on the server inside of a folder called "adminserv". Inside of the "adminserv" folder will be a folder called images.
  • JPEG’s and GIF’s will be stored in the "images" folder (i.e., adminserv/images/button.gif).

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Work Chart

Project Manager - Shelly
Content Developers – Steve & Daryl
Designer - Carol

Project Manager

Collect and distribute client and team contact information – Shelly 9/8/03

Produce website development project production site – Shelly 10/17/03

Team contact – Shelly on-going

Schedule client and team meetings – Shelly on-going

Compile website proposal elements – Shelly 10/09/03
Proposal Elements:
Cover Sheet - Shelly
Strategic brief - Shelly
Deliverables - Shelly
Storyboard - Steve
Production Standards - Steve
Work chart - Shelly
Timeline - Shelly
Contract - Shelly
Mock-ups - Carol
Creative Brief - Carol

Review web proposal with client and obtain sign – Shelly and Steve 10/15/03

Bid - Shelly 11/20/03

Test site with typical users – All 10/08/03

Testing report Shelly 10/08/03

Contribute to the Client Manual – Shelly 12/10/03

Create CD – Shelly 12/15/03
CD Elements:
Web pages
Site images
Original PSD files
Client manual
Provide training to the client


Design mock-ups – Carol 10/09/03

Meet with instructor for mock-up review – Carol 10/02/03

Convert the mock-ups to templates – Carol 10/23/03

Write template explanation – Carol 10/23/03

Describe the text specifications for the body and titles of the site – Carol 10/23/03

Create the index.html file – Carol 11/17/03

Contribute to the bid – Carol 11/19/03

Create the splash screen (optional) – Carol 11/21/03

Test the site with the client – Carol 12/15/03

Provide image documentation for the client manual – Carol 12/12/03

Contribute to the client manual – Steve 12/10/03

Provide the following for the final hand-off CD – Carol 12/10/03
Web site images
Original Photoshop images

Content Developers

Analyze client content – Steve and Daryl 10/02/03

Develop storyboard – Steve 9/29/03

Production standards and directory structure – Steve 9/29/03

Develop deliverables document – Shelly 10/09/03

Create and upload shell site – Steve and Daryl 10/23/03

Convert shell site to client pages – Steve and Daryl Oct & Nov

Contribute to the bid – Daryl and Steve 11/19/03

Test the site with classmates – Daryl and Steve 12/08/03

Testing report – Daryl and Steve 12/08/03

Contribute to the client manual – Daryl 12/10/03

Client manual – Steve 12/12/03

Provide web pages for final hand-off CD – Steve and Daryl 12/12/03

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Below is a list of expectations we have set as a team; listed by the date we've committed to having them finished. We have each area color-coded by role as follows:

Project Manager - Shelly Falconer
Designer - Carol Ho
Content Developer - Daryl Kulleseid
Content Developer - Steve Nelson


Sept 08 Schedule Initial Client and Team Meetings
Sept 11 Create Communication Plan
Sept 22 Generate Timeline
Sept 22 Meet w/ Client to gather outstanding content
Sept 24 Produce Storyboard
Sept 25 Produce Project Site
Sept 29 Create Strategic Brief
Sept 29 Analyze Client Content


Oct 02 Meet with Instructor for Mock-Up Approval
Oct 05 Generate List of Deliverables
Oct 05 Develop Production Standards
Oct 05 Mock-ups
Oct 05 Creative Brief
Oct 09 Produce Contract
Oct 09 Produce Cover sheet
Oct 09 Produce Work Chart
Oct 09 Compile Website Proposal
Oct 15 Review Proposal with Client - Obtain Sign Off
Oct 16 Convert Mock-Ups to Templates
Oct 23 Create and Upload Shell Site
Oct 23 Develop Template Explanation
Oct 23 Meet with CD's to Discuss Compatibility Issues
Oct 23 Create Text Links for the bottom of every page


Nov 06 Convert Templates to Web Pages
Nov 17 Create index.html File
Nov 20 Contribute to and Prepare the Bid


Dec 08 Test Site with Typical Users
Dec 08 Test Site with Typical Users
Dec 15 Provide Image Documentation for Client Manual
Dec 15 Provide Images, Templates and PSD Files for CD
Dec 15 Test Site with Client
Dec 15 Provide Training Documents for Client Manual
Dec 15 Provide Web Pages for Client CD
Dec 15 Contribute to the Client Manual
Dec 15 Provide Training to the Client
Dec 15 Generate CD for Client
Dec 18 Final Presentation

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Letter of Agreement
October 15, 2003

Santa Rosa Junior College Administrative Services
Christine Nora
SRJC Administrative Services
1501 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa CA 95401
(707) 524-1529

Santa Rosa Junior College Website Development Team
Shelly Falconer, Project Manager
Carol Ho, Designer
Steve Nelson, Content Developer
Daryl Kulleseid, Content Developer

  1. With this letter, the client agrees to hire the contractors named above to design and create a World Wide Web site (a "SITE"), and to install the SITE on server space on an Internet Service Provider's computer, or to assist the client in doing so.

  2. The terms of this agreement are that the contractors will provide the client with the items listed in the deliverables section (included) on the dates specified in the work schedule (included). The web pages will be created according to the approved mock-ups (included).

  3. The successful completion of this project is dependent on the client supplying the contractors with the required content, and feedback according to the work schedule (included). All content must be provided no later than October 23, 2003.

  4. A representative or representatives of the client will attend the presentation of projects to be held at Santa Rosa Junior College at a date in mid-December to be determined.

  5. No fee will be charged for the completion of the SITE, however the contractors request the following:

  • Letters of reference.

  • Credit at the bottom of the pages
    for the contractors and the
    Santa Rosa Junior College program (or)

  • A separate page at the website crediting
    the student contractors and
    the Santa Rosa Junior College Program.

  • Permission for the contractors
    to include samples of the website
    in their electronic portfolios.

  • Permission to include
    samples of the website in
    the Santa Rosa Junior College program websites.

The client will supply photos, drawings, and text for the SITE. The client affirms that they are the copyright owner of such materials, or that they have obtained proper permission from the copyright owner(s) for use of such materials. The client will indemnify the contractors, and hold them harmless against any claims of libel, copyright, or trademark infringement brought against the contractors with respect to their use of those materials. Either the contractors or the client may terminate this contract by giving written notice to the other party.

(Client's Signature)        (Date)

(Contractor's Signature)          (Date)

(Contractor's Signature)          (Date)

(Contractor's Signature)          (Date)

(Contractor's Signature)          (Date)

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Picture of Mock-up Home A

Picture of Mock-up Home B

Picture of Mock-up Sub Level A

Picture of Mock-up Sub Level B

Picture of Mock-up Sub Level C

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Creative Brief

SRJC Administrative Services
By Carol Ho

Client Goals
The client for the site is the Administrative Services of the Santa Rosa Junior College. In the initial meeting, the client expressed a desire for an academic and formal look to the site. A background would be nice if it didn't hinder the text. A structural left navigation is desirable to keep the links from floating on the page. With an already new design in the works, the client wants the site to inform other people or city colleges, universities, and other services. The client expressively wants to advertise the department's existence and the services it provides.

Supporting Goals
With the emphasis in advertisement of the Administrative Services Department, pictures of the school buildings are important to include. While the department is connected to many of the facilities on campus, I will include a photo gallery to justify its diverse connections. Another feature I like to include are links to grants. Since the school is heavily funded by grants, having those links will show audience where the school gets the fund. To see how the department is involved with the school, a new page is devoted to the current projects happening on campus. With the new library in planning, pictures of the future library will be put on the site to demonstrate the department's part in the school.

Navigation System
The client likes the rollover buttons across the top of the page and on the left side for easy navigational system. The client likes how clean and simple it is to have top navigation buttons that go across the page. When rolled over to any of the buttons, its background color will change to indicate a link to a new page. For buttons with second level pages, a pop out menu will come out. The third-level pages can be accessed once someone clicks into the second-level page.

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