Santa Rosa Junior College

Campus Buildings

(Santa Rosa Location)
Below is a list of buildings with the year of occupancy and a brief description.
Pioneer Hall
1931 "Pioneer" appropriately references the first campus building. The original use accommodated all campus operations except physical education classes which continued at Santa Rosa High School. Gradually, Pioneer Hall became the general classroom building as other structures were occupied.
State legislation in the 1960's mandated that public buildings meet Field Act requirements for earthquake protection. Since Pioneer Hall pre-dated the Field Act, a decisin faced the Board of Trustees -- meet the standards or raze the building. In the interests of campus history, it was decided to rebuild completely according to the initial design. John Van Dyke was the architect, and the resulting structure has provided space since 19792 for Associated Student Body functions and a bookstore.
Tauzer Gymnasium
1935 It is noted that students initiated the idea of naming the gymnasium for a current trustee. The gymnasim per se seated 400 spectators and was the home of Bear Cub basketball for 47 years. Otherwise, the building provided physical education space, including locker rooms and instructional areas for both women and men. This was a multi-purpose facility. During the early years, assemblies, rallies, and dances were held here. In 1983, the gymnasium was remodeled. Of particular significance was develoment of accommodatins for weight training and adaptive P.E. at that time.
Garcia Hall
1936 The original and official name was "Commerce Building," but it received the "Garcia" designation in 1953 when buildings were named for deceased members of the Board of Trustees. The Department of Commerce and Business Educatin was established in 1936, and was projected for immediate growth -- thus Garcia Hall was built as its primary facility. Co-occupants were Home Economics and Music. A major remodeling in 1967 converted Garcia Hall into space exclusively for Home Economics (except for limited space devoted to campus health services). Home Economics now is the sole occupant.
Analy Hall
1939 The SRJC district was comprised of only two high school districts until the 1960's --Analy and Santa Rosa. If the college carried the "Santa Rosa" name, it was appropriate that the then largest campus building should be named for the other participating high school district. "Analy" was a diplomatic consideration.
Analy Hall was constructed with Public Works Administration (PWA) funds following passage of the only bond issue in the college's history. Matching local monies were provided as stipulated. Burbank Auditorium and Bussman Hall were included in the same "package." Analy Hall offered occupancy for administrative offices, the library and second-story classrooms.
Between 1964-1978, as the physical campus expanded, the occupants of Analy Hall were quite fluid, however, stability returned when a major remodeling of the building gathered together the Department of Art from numerous locations into a centralized site.
Burbank Auditorium
1939 Burbank Park was acquired by the Board of Trustees in 1930 as the permanent campus site for SRJC. It was a location utilized by Luther Burbank for botanical experimentation. The "Plant Wizard" came to Santa Rosa in 1875. He developed more than 800 plants, fruits and flowers, including the Santa Rosa plum, the Idaho potato and the Shasta daisy. Burbank Gardens was owned and operated by SRJC for more than 20 years (1934 - 1955).
The actual auditorium seats 700 people for a variety of performances. Initial occupants of the total building included music, speech, and theatre arts. Two remodeling projects expanded the original structure. In 1965, the staging area for theatre productions was enlarged. In 1980, another expansion and redistribution of space accommodated both communication studies and theatre arts. The Music Department had moved to Forsyth Hall in 1979.
Bussman Hall
1939 The original and official name was "Industrial Arts Building," but it received the "Bussman" designation in 1953 when buildings were named for deceased members of the Board of Trustees. Bussman Hall was designed as an industrial arts building with a museum. Jesse Peter gave his personal collection of natural history to SRJC in 1932 and Bussman Hall provided a home for the ever expanding number of contributions.
Two remodeling jobs adjusted the original structure. In 1962 the automotive and welding components were enlarged considerably, In 1982, following completino of Lounibos Hall, the occupants of Bussman Hall changed. Electronic technology is the largest inhabitant. Others include Career Center, Computing Services, job placement and work experience. Meanwhile, the museum was subject to an earlier adjustment when the space was divided into the Art Gallery and the Jesse Peter Native American Art Museum in 1973.
Shuhaw Hall
1955 The original and official name was Engineering Building but received the Shuhaw designation in 1953 when buildings were named for deceased members of the Board of Trustees. Although primarily built as an engineering-physics facility, the first occupants of Shuhaw Hall represented a conglomerant. Also included were aeronautics, art and mathematics.
There were three major alterations on Shuhaw Hall in 1963, 1970 and 1984. The first accommodated electronic technology which was added to the curriculum in 1962. A second addition served the interests of mathematics and brought to a central location its scattered classes from throughout the campus. The third expansion provided space for mathematics and recognized burgeoning enrollments in that discipline caused by advancing technology and the general need for quantitive literacy.
Doyle Student Center
1954 With his father, Frank P. Doyle established Exchange Bank in Santa Rosa in 1890. He was the Bank's second president, 1916-1948. Mr. Doyle was determined that the Bank be locally owned and operated. Therefore, he placed his controlling shares of Exchange Bank common stock into a purposeful trust. Dividends therefrom are converted into scholarships exclusively for students attending SRJC. The Doyle Scholarships program began in 1949. The first occupants of Doyle Center were the cafeteria, bookstore, journalism, ASB offices and faculty lounge. There have been two expansions--one in 1965 and the second in 1980. The current segments are Bear Cub's Den (snack bar), faculty lounge, cafeteria and recreation area.
Barnett Hall
1958 For more than 30 years, Barnett Hall remained a facility for business education classes, both business office and business administration. Master planning projected, as early as 1965, a third wing for construction. However, a slump in business enrollments during the 1960's and into the 1970's prevented that from happening. Contrariwise, the 1980's witnessed an enormous response, especially to classes in business administration and its allied fields of study.
Bailey Hall
1964 Floyd P. Bailey instructed physics at SRJC, 1919-1921; served as Dean of the College, 1921-1934; became President of the College in 1934 and occupied that role until 1957.
Bailey Hall is the College's administration building. Upon opening, the following were located within its walls: Office of the President, Office of Business Services, Office of the Evening College, Office of Instruction and the Office of Student Services (the latter including admissions and records, counseling, data processing and job placement). Also, there was a meeting room for the Board of Trustees. To occupy the total complex of offices, some instructors from the less organized departments were assigned to Bailey Hall during the early years. Occupancy has been fluid. The most significant departures have been community services, data processing, the faculty and job placement. The most prominent arrivals are Administrative Services, Financial Aid, and Public Information.
Kent Hall
1965 Edwin "Ned" Kent was the Dean of Men at SRJC, 1942-1957. He was Superintendent of Schools both for the City of Healdsburg and for Sonoma County before assuming his duties at the College. His teaching discipline was mathematics.
Campus living accommodations have a history at SRJC, and date back to World War II when the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) was housed at the College. Students then used those same facilities until room had to be made in preparation for the construction of Bailey Hall. Kent Hall was a replacement for the "temporary" World War II wood barracks and apartments. It was a recognition that accommodations for students in the community were limited. At the time of construction, SRJC continued to attract enrollees from Lake and Mendocino Counties. Ken Hall provides space for 72 individuals.
Baker Hall
1966 Milo Baker taught botany at SRJC, 1922-1945. He established the North Coast Herbarium at the College, and dontated his private collection to thata resource in 1933. He was a nationally recognized expert on the violet family of western America. Mr. Baker was well beyond his ninetieth year when he taught Botany 5 (Introductory Field) while continuing to tend the Herbarium during retirement. Four life science laboratories and a centralized preparation room comprise "Wing A," two life science laboratories and campus security constitute "Wing B," the health occupations were located in "Wing C." Two large lecture rooms and a converted greenhouse are situated at the building's center.
Bech Hall
1968 Bech Hall is a chemistry building with the appropriate laboratory, lecture and preparation spaces. Two large lecture rooms are shared with the campus at large when not in use by the chemists.
Plover Library
1971 Plover Library centralizes all of the College's print and non-print resources for purposes of processing, cataloging, distributing and depositing. The seating capacity is 600; shelving displays almost 100,000 volumes. Audio/visual Services is located here.
Quinn Swim Center
1973 Two pools and an office complex comprise the Quinn Swim Center. A deep outdoor pool, though multi-purpose, does specifically provide for diving, water polo and water safety instruction. The indoor pool with a retractable roof is used for swim competition and serves as a general facility for instruction in aquatics. The majority of the physical education staff occupies office space in the Quinn complex. Quinn Swim Center is a community resource. Swim club competition is scheduled regularly and it attracts people from throughout Sonoma County for aquatic fitness.
Emeritus Hall
1978 John Crevelli (Social Sciences) originated the idea of naming this building for all retired certificated personnel, as well as for those instructors and administrators who deceased in service. Retirees must have been on staff at least 15 years to be honored by including their names on a plaque that is maintained at the entrance to Newman Auditorium. The Auditorium is named for Randolph Newman, second President of SRJC, 1957-1970. Newman Auditorium has 250 seats and is utilized constantly for classes, lectures and performances. Most of the space in Emeritus Hall is consumed by five departments which claim this building as home base: Behavioral Science, English, Foreign Language, Philosophy/Humanities, and Social Science. For each, classrooms, offices and meeting areas are provided. Three specialized laboratories represnet extensions of the traditional classroom -- that is, the English Skills Laboratory, the Foreign Language Laboratory and the Writing Center.
Lark Hall
1979 Two departments are housed in Lark Hall - Agriculture/Forestry and Earth Science. For each, there is an office complex, laboratories and a central preparation room. Accompanying the facilities for agriculture is a greenhouse. A planetarium accompanies the accommodations for Earth Science. Two large lecture rooms are shared with the campus at large when not in use by the occupying departments.
Forsyth Hall
1979 Forsyth Hall is the music building and is dedicated totally to instruction in that discipline. An office complex, practice rooms, a large studio for instrumental music and a lecture/studio for music appreciation/vocal music occupy the first floor. A piano laboratory, recording studio, practice rooms and general purpose spaces are located on the second floor. This facility is of such a specialized nature that other disciplines are precluded from its use.
Lounibos Hall
1980 Lounibos Hall is an industrial education facility and it houses laboratory/lecture space for instruction in four distinct areas: Automotive mechanics, diesel technology, machine tooling and welding. Faculty offices are arranged in a configuration at the building entrance. Adjoining the structure is space for storage and parking.
Haehl Pavilion
1982 Haehl Pavilion offers facilities for a combination of both intercollegiate competitions and physical education classes. Basketball, volleyball and wrestling rivalries are scheduled, as well as standard instructional classes in these sports, plus badminton, body conditioning, combative events and dance. The spectator capacity of Haehl Pavilion is 2,000 (in the absence of using floor space).
Belden Center (Shone Farm)
1983 Charles Belden was the College's first Dean of Occupational Education, a responsibility he assumed from 1965 to 1981. He joined the faculty in 1957 as an instructor of machine tooling and welding. Mr. Belden was a major force in the acquisition and development of the Robert Shone College Farm. Upon his decease, a cooperative fund-raising project by the College and community, secured substantial monies that were matched by a district contribution. The Charles D. Belden Center was built on site at the Shone Farm. The Belden Center building includes general instructional space, living quarters for two student farm attendants, offices and a wine press. A variety of campus disciplines hold classes on farm acreage, and each is eligible to utilize the Belden Center.
Maggini Hall
1990 The Departments of Business Administration, Business Office Technology and Computer-Information Sciences occupy Maggini Hall. Each department has its own series of general classrooms, laboratories, skill centers, faculty offices and meeting rooms.
William B. Race Health Sciences Building
2000 This building is a multi-functional health science and student health service facility. It was dedicated on January 7, 2000 in honor of one of the college's foremost trustees, William B. Race. It has 38,500 gross square feet and 28,500 assignable square feet. It is primarily a laboratory facility with state of the art dental, radiation technology, nursing skills facilities and equipment. There are four lecture rooms, one of which has a rather large impressive vertical folding wall which splits one 100 seat room into two smaller rooms with capacities of 75 and 25 student stations each. Faculty and administrative offices for the Health Sciences will be located primarily on the third floor whereas the Student Health Services operation will be located on the west side of the first floor.
Second Floor Veranda
Both the veranda and the lower patio-type entry way were designed to assist in ceremonial duties. If desired, for example, speakers could address a graduation crowd from either location thus affording the audience easy view of the proceedings. Also, the south facing portion of the new building will (hopefully) someday be facing a new library facility thus tying the Emeritus/Plover/Race complex to the academic core of the campus.


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