Shelly Falconer

Quality Automation Engineer

I dig automation in all aspects of my life. At home, I have automated my lights to turn on at sunset and turn off at various times. I have cameras setup with motion alerts and locks that can lock/unlock remotely via an app. I have a litter robot that cleans itself and I have a Roborock setup to vacuum and mop on a schedule. The first thing people think of in terms of automating things is the time saved, but it goes further than that. It is the little things that add up, such as I don't have to cross a dark room and fumble for the lamp switch or worry if I forget to scoop the cat may go outside of the box. It is a fail-safe when my focus is elsewhere. At work it gives me the same peace of mind.

My work history as an Administrative Assistant helped me master my organizational skills. My Help Desk positions helped me master trouble shooting and researching technical solutions. My Quality Assurance Analyst position helped me develop skills to work closely on a team of Product Owners, Developers and Documentation Specialists, document defects with reproduction steps, and allowed me the opportunity to learn Agile SDLC. I managed my own Virtual Machines with various OS and SQL Server versions. I also mastered various test methodologies, such as smoke test, regression, reliability/performance, API, black box and white box.

After I was laid off due to COVID, I landed an exciting QA Automation job where all of my experience came together. When I started in this postion there were manual test cases in the automation test suite because AutoIt didn't see the WPF controls, so I got to work learning how I could fill in the gaps with Microsoft UI Accessibility Framework and quickly got to work automating them. Then I got to work setting up our Customer Experience group with my regression test suite. I support them through each release candidate by troubleshooting any issues that pop-up and supplying them with updated test cases as the UI and workflows change. I mentored an Intern for the summer of 2022. This past fall I setup our German team with happy path automation testing and created a program that reads in a config.json file, queries the database utilizing sqlcmd and emails the order status with the machine name and build installs. I also utilized the Power Automate platform to post an adaptive card to our Teams Chat. I love learning, so naturally I've been following AI/ML tutorials to learn how I can apply that to my quality assurance automation testing.

Udemy Python Automation Testing Course

udemy automation testing with python certificate

Automated Software Testing with Python

This is an online course I followed on Udemy. The first part of this course was a Python refresher, and then covered accpetance and unit testing using Selenium. It was a huge challenge because this course was out-of-date. They supply starter code that doesn't run because it is using pre 2.0 Flask, python 3.5 along with deprecated method calls. Well, I didn't let that stop me! I searched and found solutions, so I could follow along and complete the course. Since technology changes quickly, I viewed it as a challege to make it work just like my real life experiences.

A link to my front-end examples

Experience with Front-End Development

I am very comfortable with websites as far as creating them and testing them.

View Front End Exmaples


Santa Rosa Junior College - Santa Rosa, CA

Associate Degree, 2003

General Studies.

XML Developer Certificate, 2003

I studied XML formats - parent / children, XSLT stylesheets and DTD definitions.

HTML Web Developer Certificate, 2004

I studied HTML, CSS and principals of screen design.